Research has shown that drinking plenty of water to hydrate yourself will not only help you to lose weight fast, but it removes blemishes on your skin and hydrates your skin.
Now, you may ask why drinking water will help. Remember, our skin is an organ. Our skin is the "largest" organ in our body. Like any parts of the body, our skin is made up of cells. Similarly, like any cells in our body, they are made up of water. Cells need water to rejuvenate and constantly grow. Without water, our organs will not function properly or perform at its best.
Similarly, you may think why we have to drink more water to slim down. It is not about making ourselves full and bloated that we eat lesser. The fact is that as we drink plenty of water, our body no longer need to "hold onto so much water" in our body. When our body stores water in our body, it makes us look more "bloated" and bigger in size. Hence drinking more water will signal to our body that we will take in sufficient water regularly for our body to function. With that, our body releases the water that it has been storing, causing our body to lose weight.
Effects of not drinking enough water:
(1) Lack of hydration will present itself by:
- turning your skin dry, tight and flaky.
(2) Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling.
The truth is, we have to replace the water that we lose in large quantities everyday.
Drinking green tea helps us to remove toxins in our body. As toxins are removed, our body is cleansed and it will show off on our skin.
Another benefit: The epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea may help prevent the collagen destruction that leads to wrinkles as well as sun-induced DNA damage in the skin (think lines and discoloration), according to some experts. Consider subbing tea for your morning mug of coffee.
In a study conducted at Stanford University, researchers found that during exam time, students who felt stressed had more severe acne breakouts than did those under less pressure. That’s because stress increases the body’s production of hormones such as cortisol, which can make skin oilier and decrease its ability to fight off acne-causing bacteria, says Lisa Donofrio, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale University School of Medicine. To keep that frazzled feeling under control, regularly practice stress-management techniques, like doing leisure activities or doing activities that can make you relax, and enjoy. This “can help conditions such as acne, psoriasis, rosacea, and seborrhea,” Donofrio says.
Here are first 3 steps for you to follow before we move onto part 2!
Let us know below the comment if you have any ways to make our skin better naturally and we may feature your feedbacks!